Arçelik Human Rights Committee
We manage Human Rights issues and take decisions about Human Rights in our Committees.
The Human Rights department is responsible for convening the Human Rights Committee (HRC). The HRC meets four times a year to systematically review
and revise the risk mapping of potential human rights issues within our existing business and new business relations, as well as risks in the value chain. The duty of the Human Rights Committee is to proactively ensure that the operations in the value chain do not have adverse impacts on individuals. The HRC is chaired by the Chief People Officer. Chief Financial Officer, Chief Technology Officer and Chief Purchasing and Supply Chain Officer and the representatives from Quality, Sustainability, Corporate Relations, Global Communications, Global Compliance, Quality Systems, Environment and the Human Rights teams attend the committee. The Chief People Officer reports quarterly to the relevant Board member on actual and or potential human rights violations and the remediation or mitigation action plans. The Koç Holding Consumer Durables President, who is an Arçelik board member, has been assigned by the Board of Directors as the responsible board member to report on the human rights issues, potential risks and action plans.
A new, dedicated Human Rights Department has been established by our Board of Directors. The department is responsible for organizing regular third-party and internal human rights assessments within the global organization, preparing a risk mapping of potential and actual violations, and taking necessary mitigation and remedial actions pursuant to the Global Human Rights Due Diligence Process.
Location Human Rights Committees
To manage human rights issues effectively, we have Location Human Rights Committees in every plants. Location-specific Human Rights issues are discussed in Location Human Rights Committees. The top management of the plants are the Committee member. After taking decision about location human rights issues, decisions are reported to Arçelik Human Rights Committee by Human Rights Department.

Arçelik Committee Governance