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Frequently Asked Questions

Borsa Istanbul (BIST), Symbol: ARCLK

What is Arçelik’s shareholder structure?

Click here to see shareholder structure.

Who can the shareholders contact for their questions?

Shareholders can contact Arçelik on its website or call +90 (212) 314 31 14.

What is Arçelik’s dividend policy?

As a general principle, a minimum of 50 percent of the distributable profit of the period calculated under Capital Markets Regulations is distributed in cash and/or as a bonus share so long as the relevant regulations and financial means permit and this amount can be funded through current resources specified in our legal records. This also takes into account the market expectations, as well as our long-term corporate strategy, investment and financial policies, profitability and cash position.

When will Arçelik announce its quarterly financial results?

Click here to see investor calendar.

How many people does Arçelik employ?

The group’s average number of employees for 2022 is 41.642 out of whom 10,419 are paid monthly and 31.223 are paid hourly.