Our Action Coalition Commitments


As a Koç Group company, we became a supporter of the Action Coalition platform and submitted our commitments to achieve concrete change in the technology and innovation field for women and girls worldwide.

In cooperation with the UN Women’s Generation Equality Forum, Koç Holding has launched a gender equality movement in technology and innovation. As a Koç Group company, we became a supporter of the Action Coalition platform and submitted our commitments to achieve concrete change in the technology and innovation field for women and girls worldwide.

Providing a roadmap for gender equality, Action Coalitions aim to mobilize key actors from the private sector, civil society, international organizations and governments around the world to deliver lasting change by tackling key barriers to gender equality. Having signed the UN Women's Empowerment Principles (WEPs) in 2017, we have been actively promoting gender equality among key stakeholders, raising awareness, increasing women's employment opportunities and supporting their professional development.

As part of Action Coalitions, we determined 6 transformative goals which aim to advance gender equality in technology and innovation over the next 5 years. Starting from 2021, we aim to:

  1. Provide technology & design, IT, and software training to 100,000 girls (ages 10-14) in 81 provinces of Turkey by 2026 to reduce the gender digital divide. - Digital Wings Program

  2. Expand the program which was implemented only in Turkey in 2019 to support the career development of women engineers(3rd and 4th-grade students) in R&D and innovation to Romania, Pakistan, and South Africa. -WE-inTech Program

  3. Increase the number of women entrepreneurs in the dealer ecosystem by boosting the ratio of women Beko dealers from 4.8% to 25% by 2026. - Beko 100 Women Dealers Program

  4. Reach 2,500 women entrepreneurs through global-scale entrepreneurship programs and contribute to fund transfers for women-led startups every year

  5. Increase women employment ratio in STEM fields at Arçelik from 16% to 35% across global operations by 2026.

  6. Enable women to gain new professional competencies at the technical levels and increase the ratio of women technicians working at Arçelik Authorized Services from 6.7% to 14% by 2026. - 500 Women Technicians Program

For the detailed information about Action Coalition projects, please check the Supporting Society with Equal Opportunities and Inclusion section of Arçelik 2021 Sustainability Report.