Through our green financing methodologies, we are aiming to achieve our robust emission reduction targets and align ourselves with the Paris Agreement’s 1.5°C goal.

Green Bond

Arçelik has issued green bond with a nominal value of EUR 350 million with a five-year maturity, which stands out as Turkey’s first-ever corporate green bond issued in international markets. The bond attracted a high level of demand from investors – being almost five times oversubscribed.

More than 170 investors have invested in the bond, the coupon rate of which was determined as 3.00%.

Arçelik aims to use the bond to finance its Eligible Green Projects, including its energy-efficient, eco-efficient and circular economy-adapted products and the promotion of energy efficiency in production. In addition, the proceeds will fund the company’s sustainable water and wastewater management, pollution prevention control, renewable energy, and green buildings initiatives.

Click here to access Arçelik’s Green Financing Framework.

For details related with Arçelik’s first Green Bond Allocation and Impact Report for years 2018-21, please visit here.

Green Loan

Arçelik signed an eight-year loan agreement for EUR 150 million with the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), one of the most important green finance providers. The first EUR 83 million tranche of the loan is structured in line with the Green Loan Principles of the Loan Market Association and is the first externally verified green loan to Turkish manufacturing. Arçelik plans to implement important projects to achieve net zero emissions in the value chain by 2050 by financing environmental sustainability and R&D projects in its manufacturers within the framework of the provided green loan.