Many energy efficiency projects are carried out each year under the coordination of the energy managers and production-based energy consumption is continuously reduced. Similarly, as stipulated in the Energy Efficiency Law, Arçelik plants officially declare their energy consumption details in March every year.


Arçelik has been the first company to comply with international directives on environment and energy much earlier than they were integrated in Turkish legislation.

Considering the environmental impacts of the products, energy consumption comes into prominence. In line with EU directives on electrical and electronic household appliances, Arçelik designs and manufactures low energy consuming products. Highly energy efficient products were launched in Turkey much earlier than the said EU eco-design directives were integrated into Turkish legislation.

Arçelik was also the first Turkish household appliances company to produce refrigerators (in 1995) without ozone depleting CFC gases much earlier than 2006, deadline set for Turkey in Montreal Protocol.

Arçelik prioritizes the energy efficiency in the products and manufactures products more efficient than the most efficient energy class defined in the energy label.