Arctic Exceeded 31 Million Refrigerators Produced at Gaesti Plant


A new important milestone has been reached by Arctic: in its 47th year of activity in Romania, the factory exceeded 31 million refrigerators produced at Gaesti.

Since 2002, when the majority equity package was bought by Arçelik A.S, Arctic has become the largest home appliance manufacturer in Continental Europe, after sustained investments of more than EUR 135 million in new technologies, modern production management systems and in the production capacity of the refrigerator plant in Gaesti.

The Arctic factory has the capacity to cover various production needs, producing at present 60 main products and 450 by-products. Moreover, the plant in Gaesti is highly technologized, an aspect which has allowed us to deliver products of consistent high quality, complexity and safety in line with the company’s standards.

Following these significant investments, the production capacity has increased exponentially and transformed Arctic into one of the most important Romanian exporters. Currently, 87% of the total Arctic production is exported in over 70 countries. Arctic is one of the most important companies in Romania, with a turnover of 2 billion lei in 2016 and a team of over 3,600 employees.

The end of 2017 brings also another important achievement: the factory went through a Total Productive Maintenance audit as a natural step to adding to its awards portfolio a new TPM one - Advanced Special Award. The Arctic plant holds at present three TPM awards: Award For Excellence - First Category 2006; Award For Excellence In Consistent TPM Commitment 2010; Special Award For TPM Achievement 2013.

Arctic remains the only industrial company in Romania that benefits from modern systems of production management: Total Productive Maintenance and Six Sigma. The Arctic factory was the first Romanian plant to receive a TPM Excellence Award. Using TPM production technologies extensively and benefiting of technology transfers and new investments, Arctic has increased production capacity to over 2.9 million units in 2017.

Arctic plant has become the second Arçelik A.Ş. plant outside Turkey to have qualified for the ISO 50001 certificate which carries the plant’s achievements in the field of energy efficiency and management one step further. The performance of the plant, which is monitored, based on daily comparisons of theoretical and actual consumption of natural resources such as electricity, water, natural gas and LPG, is also being improved constantly through energy efficiency projects carried out every year. As a result of its endeavours in energy efficiency, the plant also achieved the ‘Siemens Platinum Certificate’ in the ‘Energy Efficient Green Plants’ category in 2013.

All these important achievements would have not been possible without the dedication and efforts made by the people working at Arctic. In line with the Group’s commitment to provide opportunities for the development of “the people behind our achievements”, Arctic is constantly investing in creating a work environment which encourages increased efficiency, teamwork and creativity.